When & Where

Hours of operation are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday-Friday, with optional extended days until 3:00 PM.

Our school year starts in September and ends in May.

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636 E 117th Street

Kansas City • MO 64131


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Section Title

  • Registration 2022-2023

    Registration for the 2022.2023 school year will open to in-house families and alumni on Tuesday, February 8. Families will receive a link to our registration page on “Sign Up Genius” that will unlock at 7:00am. New families will be able to enroll beginning on February 15. We love seeing these pages fill in with our returning students and so many new ones too! Hope to see your name on our class lists for the 2022.2023 school year. 

Section Title

  • Our new movement program is called GymJam! Students participate weekly GymJam classes with our fabulous teachers Miss Colby and Miss Anna. Between obstacle courses, games, music and more, children are engaged in an active and fun movement class. The students love GymJammin’ all the time! 

  • We have a wonderful music program where children can engage with music through songs, fingerplays, movement, dancing and actions. There is so much children can learn through music that we wanted to incorporate it in our curriculum every day. We will showcase our music classes in December for a Christmas Program and in May for our “Music and Masterpieces” event.

  • New this year, students will participate in Story Time with Pastor Adrienne. She will select short stories based around simple Christian themes such as Joy, Love, Kindness, and Gratitude. Each month will be a different theme and story. We know the children will be blessed by this time with Pastor Adrienne.

  • Instead of taking children off campus on buses, we offer "in-house field trips "with a variety of educational presentations brought on-site to the preschool. We find programs that enhance the curriculum and provide a little fun to our day! Past presentations have included JoHo the storyteller, Rapping Roy, the Kansas City Zoo Mobile and Reggie the Magician.